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5OS06 Assignment Example
- June 22, 2024
- Posted by: Fletcher Samuel
- Category: CIPD Level 5

5OS06 Assignment Example explores the critical area of leadership and management, emphasising its importance in cultivating a cohesive, diverse, innovative, and high-performing work environment. It examines how to select the appropriate tools and approaches to facilitate leadership and management development, ultimately enhancing organisational performance.
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Assessment Questions
AC 1.1 Analyse the external factors that drive the need for Leadership and Management within the organisation
AC 1.2 Explain the key difference between leadership and management roles and styles and the implications of each for organisational effectiveness.
AC 1.3 Compare the different knowledge, skills and behaviours required for leadership and management in organisations.
Task Two
To complement your slide deck, the CEO has requested a guidance document outlining essential factors for creating, executing, and assessing a leadership and management development program. This document should thoroughly incorporate the specific circumstances of United LEC.
Assessment Questions
AC 2.1 Discussion covering the role of people professionals in supporting leadership and management development initiatives.
AC 2.2 An evaluation of the different concepts and range of approaches that are available for effective leadership and management development.
AC 2.3 A discussion covering why diversity and inclusion should be an integral component of leadership and management development initiatives.
AC 3.1 An evaluation of the indicators of successful leadership and management development initiatives.
AC 3.2 Explanation of the range of stakeholders and the involvement they have in leadership and management development initiatives.
AC 3.3 An assessment of the impact and importance that leadership and management development initiatives have on organisational culture, strategy, reputation and performance.
- CIPD. 2014. Leadership – easier said than done | Reports [Online]. Available: https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/leadership/report
- CIPD. 2020. Leading in a changing world [Online]. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Available: https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/strategy/organisational- development/thought-pieces/leading-changing-world
- CIPD.(2021).Learning Methods| Factsheets | CIPD. https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/ fundamentals/people/development/learning-methods-factsheet#6683
- CIPD. (2021). Learning in the Flow of Work | Factsheets | CIPD. https://www.cipd.co.uk/ knowledge/strategy/development/learning- factsheet
- CIPD. (2022). Management Development | Factsheets | CIPD. https://www.cipd.co.uk/
- knowledge/strategy/development/management-factsheet#7677
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